Saturday, 16 July 2011



Pia.. Amerika Idols a.

Ester Dean yang bikin gan.. wkakaka manteb ta nek mase kuwi yang bikin hahahha.. up down low bitt. lirycnya ya pasti kayak gt-lah..


This time, this time I'm gonna do it my away
This time, I'm finding out the hard away
This time, I'm gonna go back to the girl I was on the night you found me
No more, closing back the real me
Just wait, in a minute you'll see
This time, is in time, it's my time
Getting back to the real me


Hits Bulanan Juli Bagian 4 | IDWS

part 1 2 3 4


Bagian 1.2.3 di page sebelumnya


  1. part 4 nya knp ga bisa di donlod ya bang ?

  2. maksud nya bagian 4 nya semua ga bisa di donlod.......katanya : this page temporarily not available

  3. serper down mungkin. upload mirror nie. tunggu ya.

  4. IDWS-nya lancar jaya ogg gan.. td lagi main tenis idwsa

  5. server idws nya lancar, ane br donlod.
    thx agan jaka. :)

  6. o iya, udh jalan lg bang,....tengkiu :)

  7. saya download bagian 1-3 dan 5 bisa, tapi bagian 4 tidak bisa di donload... minta link mirror nya dong agan jaka :)) thx b4
